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Module 5: Brain-Based Relationship Management with Mixed Teams

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Emotional Intelligence - 5
Emotional Intelligence - 5

Module 5: Brain-Based Relationship Management with Mixed Teams


Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Webinar Series: Agility & Mixed Teams – 

About this online webinar series: 

This course provides a broad overview of the basic concepts, principles and practices of Emotional Intelligence (EQ). With interactive exercises that help participants explore their own attitudes, mental habits and behaviors, this online course offers a path to a life with more freedom, authenticity and ease. These skills will further support the development of brain-based relationship management to lead a successful diverse team. The course consists of interactive exercises, learning helpful techniques including personal reflection as well as group discussions. 

Please note this is only module 5, the other four modules are only available in the entire package. Participants doing all modules will be invited to a certification. following the course. this will constitute a separate course.

  • Introduction to EQ: Karen Wendt – Interview with Joan ( see our YouTube Interview)
  • Module 1: Mixed Teams 1: Friday March 4 , 2022 at 5pm CEST 
  • Module 2: Mixed Teams 2: Friday March 18, 2022 at 5pm CEST
  • Module 3: Self-Leadership and Agility: Friday, April 1, 2022 at 5pm CEST 
  • Module 4: EQ and Co-Creation: Friday, April 15, 2022 at 5pm  CEST
  • Module 5: Brain-Based Relationship Management: Friday, April 29, 2022 at 5pm CEST

Why EQ matters for companies/individuals seeking higher performance through diversity: 

Imagine for a moment how successful your team would be if they were gender balanced, and what impact this would have on your company’s branding and performance. There is not only a lack of women, but there seems to be a further missing element in the financial services and blockchain industry: The promotion of emotional intelligence. IQ tests can predict how well people will perform in certain situations, such as abstract thinking in science, finance and technology. But there must be more than logic capabilities behind the profile of a successful team. 

What makes a team standout and increases its work performance is the combination of logic, intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence. The way you interact with others and yourself in the workplace results in social attractiveness. The interaction between these intelligences promotes success and higher work performance of teams and companies. Performance depends on many factors, but a better understanding of how our brains store and use information during our daily activities, benefits our self-confidence required to lead teams.  

Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, has become a central form of intellect. Once developed, you will keep the unique ability to recognize and handle your own emotions to enhance your team’s and your own professional development. 

Skills you will acquire: