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Join the Hackathon on 24/25 November 2023 at Campus Brugg-Windisch


Join the Hackathon on 24/25 November 2023 at Campus Brugg-Windisch

Join the Hackathon on 24/25 November 2023 at Campus Brugg-Windisch

=== what is #herHACK ?? ====

Hackathons originated in the late 1990s from the tech community as time-limited events to promote collaborative innovation. During a hackathon, participants form smaller teams work together intensively, often for 24–48 hours. They create innovative projects or solutions within a specific theme or challenge. #herHACK 20.23 is a unique form of a hackathon with a special focus on women and sustainability. Participants brainstorm ideas, design prototypes, write code, and present their final products to judges and a larger audience. The atmosphere is dynamic, with a strong sense of excitement, teamwork, a focus on learning and networking. Pushing creative boundaries is key for successful hackathons and for #herHACK no prior knowledge is needed!

Calling all curious minds! If you’re passionate about digital topics and eager to make a difference, #herHACK 20.23 is the place to be. Network, learn, and collaborate with women who share your drive to solve global challenges connected with the Sustainable Development Goals from 24-25 November at FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch.

A curious and open mind is all you need to participate – register now! #herHACK #hackathon #digitaldays @digitalswitzerland

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